Technical description

VisionR® Server

VisionR Server offers a sustainable database solutions for your company. This state-of-the-art technology helps you solve your data management problems and enables you to better organize, plan and optimize your company resources.
VisionR features

VisionR server is a next generation enterprise level data management solution targeted to medium large and large enterprises that need to have their data organized in a consistent, scalable and flexible manner. Small sized companies can also take advantage of this technology by using the conveniet online services with VisionR.

VisionR provides a flexible implementation of user defined business logic through abstract object and process definitions.

VisionR differs from other data management solutions with its approach to business schema implementation. Contrary to other software solutions, the approach used with VisionR defines the business model in terms of abstract set of object definitions, separate from the underlying database back-end. This allows for rapid development of new models, scaling of existing models and simplified process of applying schema changes on the fly.

Centralized web server solution

Users are given a single web address, which provides them with an access to the application. Every user can start using the application right away, provided they have a web browser installed. The centralized solution has many advantages - simple and transparent access for the users, interconnected data storage (software modules share business logics), low cost workspace setup (no additional software needed).

Centralized license management

There is one general licensing scheme based on the number of users and installed modules, which is not dependent on the point of accessing the application.

Web based solution (AJAX based)

Users can log on to the server application using any major web browser (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari) without additional prerequisites (i.e. software to be installed per workstation). The only requirement is to have the browser enabled with JavaScript. The VisionR application masks are like those of any desktop application due to the AJAX functionality.

Platform independence

The VisionR application works with all major browsers, all major databases (RDBMS) on the mrket and does not depend on the type of operating system installed.

Complete internationalization

VisionR is completely internationalized - not only the graphical user interface (GUI) but the data stored is managed in multiple languages. Both the application and the data are internationalized, and in accordance with the specific country's standards and formats. VisionR implements different ISO format/language/internationalization standards.

Fast and simple application customization

The object definitions (business logic) as well as the front-end design are fully customizable and can be adapted to the customer's infrastructure and processes. Thanks to VisionR's approach to data modeling, all customization operations happen in a simplified and timely manner.

Highly integrative

VisionR implements different wide spread and established standards, enabling the customer to integrate the software in an existing environment or business processes:

  • XML / XSL-transformations are built in feature
  • standard input/output formats such as: XML, Text, CSV, Excel, PDF, SQL, DXF etc.
  • real time access to third party relational databases (Object Relational Mapping) over JDBC / ODBC
Data management for both alphanumeric and graphical data

VisionR Server integrates alphanumeric data management with graphical components, which provides an unique, simple and innovative view of the data. The user can access the data in multiple ways, through different data views, thus establishing multiple logical relations inside the data grid. One can retrieve the same data via different application paths or view the data from different perspectives. This is especially helpful, when managing large volumes of data.

Best performance for large amounts of data

Data stored within VisionR Server is organized in a way to keep the application performance while the amounts of data imported into the system scales. It enables arbitrary number of business object definitions while the performance stays the same for wide system queries.

On the fly business logic definitions

Business logic running within VisionR Server is described by means of dynamic set of definitions not tied to the underlying database. The structure of business objects within VisionR may be changed on the fly, thus rendering upgrades and restarts of the system unnecessary. Each object definition stored in the system can be easily changed without the need for system upgrades.

Multiple data source integration

VisionR Server may simultaneously utilize one or more database back-ends. Each database can be of different type (i.e. Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, DB2 etc.) allowing the interconnection of different data sources.