Facility Management
A number of the currently developed VisionR modules are used for managing facilities.
Module | Short description | |
Web-CAD | This is a module for vector graphics. You can manage multiple drawings (e.g. floor plans, technical drawings etc.). All graphical data is stored in a database. You can bind graphical objects with data and later search and generate reports over people, spaces, inventory etc. No special client is needed. Drawings are viewed and edited directly in a browser. | read more |
Reservations | The module "Reservations" is used to handle reservation requests for spaces, inventory or sitting places. It supports recurring reservations of spaces, sending of notification emails and tracking of status changes. There is an option to automatically generate catering orders, cleaning orders or orders for space rearrangement. | read more |
Contracts | This module provides extensive tools for managing different types of contracts (leasing, maintenance, cleaning contracts etc.). There are built-in procedures for automatic contract renewal, e-mail reporting over contracts due to be cancelled etc. There is a complete overview over contract costs, activities (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly). The module can be both used to manage existing contracts or to plan and optimise your costs. | read more |
Maintenance | This module is mostly used to manage maintenance activities on facilities (technical installations or building elements). There is an overview of all inspections, repairs, contracts, yearly costs. You can grant access over internet to your contracting partners or inspection coordinators. Different types of reports give a complete overview of the maintenance appointments and costs. | read more |
Helpdesk | This module is used to manage different types of online requests (notices). There is an extendable predefined set of notification forms, which can be easily embedded into an existing website. Work orders, material orders and invoices are automatically generated and attached to the requests. Standard definitions of work flows help minimize processing time. There is a link to the customer's facilities, giving a complete maintenance cost overview. | read more |
Spaces | Allows management of real estate properties. Details such as real estate size, location, staff, etc. are managed by this module. Workplace and space management are combined with management of rented areas. Binding real estates data to contracts, inventory and budgets helps optimise the usage of buildings. | read more |
Inventories | This module is used to manage inventory items. A standard set of inventory types (inventory groups) can be extended according to the customer's needs. Items are linked to workplace and space management. Data sheets can be attached for additional information. Image galleries provide better visualisation of the managed inventory items. | read more |
Rentals | The module is used to manage rental contracts. Rented areas are managed with all related costs. There is a link to incoming and outgoing invoices. All types of images and other documents can be attached to the rental units. | read more |
Moves | This module helps organize reconstruction and moves in your buildings. Move notifications are available as notification forms. Work and material orders are generated to help organise the whole movement process. | read more |
Keys | This module helps organize access to spaces and inventory. Issues and returns of key duplicates are being historized. Access groups define different access types. Orders for key and lock duplicates are managed in this module. Management of electronic access card is also possible. | read more |
Biddings | This module helps manage product or task specifications. A hierarchical structure of specification positions describes a product or service, which is to be ordered. Multiple offers from different vendors are bound to the defined specification. A cost overview of the offers helps decide what to order. | read more |
Warehouses | This module helps managing storage and deliveries of product items. Available items are located within storage sections and numbered racks. The module keeps track of incoming and outgoing invoices. There are built-in reminders on delivery status. | read more |
Energies | This module helps manage power, heating, gas and water supply contracts and invoices. It helps detect consumption patterns and optimise the usage of energy in buildings. An overview of the vendors and costs can help renegotiate energy supply contracts. | read more |
Documents | The VisionR module "Documents" provides a Document Management System (DMS) with a complete server-side virtual file system. It supports document versioning and access rights to folders and files. Files are uploaded, viewed and linked in a user friendly manner. | read more |
Vehicles | This module is used to manage vehicles. Manufacturers, models, years of manufacture can be used to sort vehicle data. Material and work orders can be used to provide overview of maintenance costs and to store vehicle repair history. The module can be used to manage the company's fleet on different locations or by workshops to manage vehicle repairs. | read more |
Cleanings | This module is used to manage the cleaning of spaces, inventory items, windows etc. You can create and manage tables with activities, cleaning groups with cleaning positions and control the frequency of cleaning. You can generate a calendar with cleaning orders for improvement of the cleaning services. | read more |