Office data management






Websites (CMS)



Office data management

VisionR has a number of modules for small and medium enterprises. You can use the application on your own installation of VisionR or directly online over internet on the server machines of Plan-Vision or one of it’s partners.
ModuleShort description

Provides functionality to manage people and companies with contact details. Allows organizing persons in departments as well as assigning them a specific function within the managed enterprises. Company contacts for customers, vendors, manufacturers etc. are managed with multiple addresses, contact persons, bank accounts more

There is a complete overview of all activities of the employees or external contractors in this module. Time sheets for work on projects generates an overview of the appointments of a person. A calendar view (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) helps organise working in team. Automatic reminder per e-mail notifies about coming more

The VisionR module "Documents" provides a Document Management System (DMS) with a complete server-side virtual file system. It supports document versioning and access rights to folders and files. Files are uploaded, viewed and linked in a user friendly more

This module allows managing details on various project types. Project participants can be single persons, project teams or companies. Each participant is notified per e-mail on project status changes according to his role in the project. Project tasks and milestones are visible in a project more

This module is used to manage incoming and outgoing invoices. All payments can be documented. E-mail reports and notifications helps control payment targets. Linking invoices to orders and contracts is helpful for better management of income and more

This module provides extensive tools for managing different types of contracts (leasing, maintenance, cleaning contracts etc.). There are built-in procedures for automatic contract renewal, e-mail reporting over contracts due to be cancelled etc. There is a complete overview over contract costs, activities (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly). The module can be both used to manage existing contracts or to plan and optimize your more

Websites (CMS)
VisionR implements a content management system of its own. It can work with articles, connect them with hierarchical structure of menus and edit them as plain HTML text or by the integrated WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What You Get). The CMS module provides support for templates, CSS styling and dynamic scripting and delivery of arbitrary VisionR managed data assets It also supports HTML snippets(widgets) within. read more

This module is used to manage inventory items. A standard set of inventory types (inventory groups) can be extended according to the customer's needs. Items are linked to workplace and space management. Data sheets can be attached for additional information. Image galleries provide better visualization of the managed inventory more